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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Media Ethics in Arab Satellite Broadcasting

Cambridge Arab Media Project (CAMP) invites scholars, media experts and practitioners to propose papers for its fourth media conference ‘Media Ethics in Arab Broadcasting’.

- CAMP will cover the expenses of the participants whose proposed papers are selected.
- Priority will be given to papers that are based on case studies and empirical content analysis.
Proposed papers should tackle one or more of the following themes:
The status of ethics in Arab news broadcasting.
The question of whether there is a ‘specificity’ of ethics that is associated with Arab media as opposed to universal ethics? And, whether there are universal media ethics as such anyway?
The role of ethics in creating (mis)conceptions and (false)consciousness in regional and global contexts.
Ethics in news broadcasting and field/live reporting.
Ethics in talk shows.
Ethics and adherence to self-declared principles.
Broadcasting violent material: Ethical considerations versus news reporting.
Ethical media and its role in the process of socio-political transformation.
Ethics and Western media, are there any lessons to be learnt?
Media ethics in the world; lessons and experiences (Western media, Chinese media, Indian media, etc.).

Deadlines and remarks
- The deadline for receiving abstracts of 800 words is 15 December 2005.
- Contributors of selected papers will be informed by 15 January 2006.
- The size of each paper/study should be between 7000 and 8000 words.
- Papers should be made available on 25 June 2006.
- Contributors will be given two weeks after the conference to include feedback from participants and provide us with their completed papers. The proceedings of the conference will be published in an edited volume.
Email your abstract to conference convenor Khaled Hroub at hroubk@aol.com or visit the website www. cambridge-conference.com


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